Export of teleservices for the social and labor inclusion of Latin America and the Caribbean

Cristina Otalora


Pamphlet, web site, reports and forms Portuguese translations.

Curriculum Vitae


·         University:

o        Graduate on Law in March 1997, by the Law and social science Department, University of Buenos Aires.

·         Postgraduate:

o        Master on Law and International Relations – PUC Río de Janeiro. Academic Stage finished in June 1984.

o        “Latin American International Relations (broad sense) administrated by the Political Science and International Relations Department form the University of Brasilia, from August 16 1982 to December 15 1982”.

o        “XI Course of International Rights”, organized by the Interamerican Legal Commission of OEA, 1984.


Labor Antecedents

More recent events where I worked as Translator/Interpreter:

·         PNUD Project. Río de Janeiro Botanical Gardens – November 25-26, 2002.

·         Inter-American Legal Commission (OEA). Internal translator since August 4 2003 up to August 29 2003, from February 8 to February 19 of 2004, and during August 2004.

·         Brazilian Olympic Committee Translator – Rio 2007 Expo – from 2 to 4 October 2003.

·         Portuguese Interpreter, Meeting of the Phonographic Industry on 15 October 2003, Cesar Park Hotel, Rio de Janeiro. Organized by ABPD, Brazilian Association of Disks Producers.

·         2nd Inter-American Conference of Public Defender. October 13 to 18 of 2003, Sofitel Hotel, Rio de Janeiro.

·         Central Bank: Micro Finance Workshop on October 23, 2003.

·         UNCTAD Regional conference on OCT Strategies for Competitiveness and Development: Promoting E-business, Trade Facilitation and Logistics in Latin America and the Caribbean - RJ, 25-27 November 2003.

·         “Latin America Partners Meeting 2004" Sheraton Barra Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, March 29 to April 2, 2004.

·         EUROLAC 2004 – World Bank – Recife, April, 14 and 15, 2004.

·         4th World Leadership of Media for Children and Teenagers – Río de Janeiro, April from 20 to 22, 2004, Naval School.

·         Latin-American and Caribbean Poverty Statistics Workshop – IBGE – Rio de Janeiro, from March 10 up to March 13, 2004.

·         Brazilian Air Forces. Spanish Interpreter in meetings with authorities in Panamá and Spain – 5 days – June 2004.

·         B H P Billiton – Work meeting at Espírito Santo and at the Samarco installations in M. Gerais – November 2004.

·         PAHO (Pan-American Health Organization – UN) / Osvaldo Cruz Foundation / December 2004.

·         International Meeting on the Regulation of Civilian Ownership and Use of Small Arms (Government of Brazil / Center for Humanitarian Dialogue / Viva Rio / Sou da Paz) - Pestana Hotel, Copacabana - March 16-18, 2005.